
21 May: In a Barbie World?

[youtube=] I come neither to bury Barbie nor to praise her, but to acknowledge her larger cultural role, after turning fifty this year. And she…

13 May: Book Review: David Bollier’s Viral Spiral: how the commoners built a digital republic of their own

David Bollier’s Viral spiral : how the commoners built a digital republic of their own is a very good book with a horrible title. While…

11 May: The problem with decontextualization of intellectual property’s cultural role, or why an algorithm cannot determine fair use

Ignoring cultural context has led to some incredibly bizarre cease-and-desist notices recently. Yet intellectual property and culture are tied together. New works are not created…

03 May: Our MIT6 Conference Presentation: The Intellectual Property of Remix Culture

After a truly great time presenting about fan culture two years ago at MIT5: Creativity, Ownership, and Collaboration in the Digital Age, we presented at…


18 Jan: Give it away: Why releasing music (and video!) through Creative Commons licenses is good for fan relations

We write about Nine Inch Nails a lot around here at Learned Fangirl. It’s not just because at least one of us is a hugely…

12 Jan: Book Review: Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy

Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy, is the highly recommended third book by Laurence Lessig, focusing on why and how copyright…

04 Jan: MIT’s Comparative Media Studies Conference — Futures of Entertainment 3

While we can’t make it to every great conference held at MIT by the cutting-edge Comparative Media Studies program, they have put on another great…