The intern will do some or all of the following: line-editing of blog posts, Search Engine Optimization tagging, writing and editing newsletter, and similar responsibilities as assigned. There will likely be an opportunity for the intern to write one long-form critical essay of their choosing, receiving the same edit/critique all of our writers receive.
To apply, send us an email at thelearnedfangirl AT gmail DOT com, with all of the following:
1. e-mail with the following subject heading — include these words: “TLF Editorial Internship“: name of your university] and [last name/family name]
2. a cover letter (or email body) explaining why you want to intern with us and who you are;
3. a pitch for a potential essay with us;
4. a pop culture-focused writing sample that shows your writing skills (We define “sample” broadly: anything that shows your ability to turn a phrase while being critical is fine: a college research paper, samples from your own website, a Storify of your Tweets, or a newspaper column, for example).