The other shoe has dropped: Bitch Magazine is in trouble


Gah, it looks like Bitch Magazine is in big trouble.

It seemed like Bitch had weathered the storm that had shuttered most independent print magazines from the 90’s. I was wrong. Bitch needs $40,000 by October 15 to keep publishing. This is bad, but if you can help, please do what you can and donate today.

Bitch supported me by publishing my first print piece eight years ago. I have been writing for them ever since, not just for that reason but because this women’s magazine is like no other; an oasis of smart, passionate, provocative writing in a desert of vapidity. In addition, the writing has an impact outside of its obvious audience — our article on the fandom phenomenon of Mary Sue, published in Bitch, was cited in a law review article.

It’s a hard time for a lot of people economically, and we all have our pet causes, I know. But if you’ve ever read Bitch and liked what you saw, or if you’ve ever complained about the sorry state of women’s magazines or about what idiotic thing was said on Jezebel today, then here’s a chance to make a difference.

Edit: In three days, Bitch exceeded its fundraising goal. Another post to follow on this.

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