this means what I want it to mean

21 May: In a Barbie World?

[youtube=] I come neither to bury Barbie nor to praise her, but to acknowledge her larger cultural role, after turning fifty this year. And she…

11 May: The problem with decontextualization of intellectual property’s cultural role, or why an algorithm cannot determine fair use

Ignoring cultural context has led to some incredibly bizarre cease-and-desist notices recently. Yet intellectual property and culture are tied together. New works are not created…

08 Sep: Kafka’s Unpublished Writings in a Kafkaesque situation: The difficulty in dealing with copyright, culture, and authorial intent (with special guest appearances by Metallica and Doctor Who)

[youtube=] In a recent posts on the University of Chicago Faculty blog & Concurring Opinions, and in articles in the New York Times and the…